Can “S-Sense” telling your sense?

Sunday , 11, August 2013 Leave a comment

           Everyday you access facebook or twitter, youtube.. more than two hours. You share your feelings or what you are doing, thinking in a block of status update. You click the share menu at the top of your news feed , you select icon feeling or what you’re doing or choose how you’re feeling or a description of your activity. If not satisfaction, you need to type in the whole word to show your thinking.

          Moreover, you share your feeling with press like or unlike button. Easy way to edit how you’re feeling or what you’re doing on social media. If yes, press like, if not change the icon, click it in your status update.

          I just hint you that here are more than 10million Facebook users including fanpage, even 1.5 million Twitter accounts in Thailand. User will left their comments, feeling or like and unlike to the monitor. But actually, nobody knows the real feeling of this feedback.

          Researcher form National Electronics and Computer Technology Center introduced a Thai language-based social media analytical tool, call “S-Sense”. It aims to evaluate product popularity among the social media

          The system can understand or encode Thai slang or jargon which type in the social. Researcher stated that it is a working between computer and natural language processing technology. Once it process completely, system will show  the feeling when the slang is used.  The thinker said that the result accuracy is about 85%.

          The next step of S-Sense is to commercialize. Now the pioneer is seeking a cloud service providers to be a partner  to be a commercialise application. Some business who interested in this application can install the systems to analyse the customer sentiment. The advantage is to plan business strategies in the future. Besides, any company can to improve customer relations and product development.